Topics and Meetings

Upcoming Meetings

  • Monday, May 20, 2024 -- Flaring 101
  • The typical DPCAC meeting agenda includes updates from plants on environmental and safety performance and business information. The main topic may be a presentation, an annual report, or a tour. Time is always allotted for Q&A and discussion. Plans for the next few meetings are reviewed and confirmed. Contact us at [email protected] if you would like an invitation to join us at the Republic Grill in Deer Park.


Featuring DPCAC Plant Members


TM Deer Park Services LLC (TMDP) provides commercial wastewater disposal services to a variety of industries including chemical manufacturing, petroleum refining, metal galvanizing, and landfills. TMDP has three Class 1 Hazardous injection wells with a Federal EPA No Migration Petition.

Additional Topics

Current and Prior Year Meeting Summaries
  • May 20, 2024 - Flaring 101
  • April 22, 2024 - DPCAC Forum, Growth and Improvements Summary
  • March 25, 2024 - Plant Security and Houston Ship Channel Security District Overview Summary
  • February 26, 2024 - Annual "State of the Plant" Reports from DPCAC Plants. Summary
  • January 22, 2024 - Meeting cancelled due to weather
  • November 27, 2023 - Program Planning: Brainstorm and Prioritize Meeting Topics (Sticky Dot Exercise) Summary
  • October 23, 2023 - Annual Report on Air Emissions from DPCAC Plants. Summary
  • September 25, 2023 - Shell Plant Tour. Summary
  • August 28, 2023 - Roads and Traffic in Deer Park. Summary
Of Special Interest over the Years
  • November 28, 2022- Diane Sheridian's last meeting as Facilitator of DPCAC. She retired from DPCAC 12/31/2022. Anne Gowan will be the Facilitator effective 1/1/2023. 
  • November 28, 2022- Origins and History of the Deer Park Community Advisory Council (DPCAC) and the Deer Park Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). DPCAC Slides. LEPC Slides. Summary.
  • October 26, 2020-- DPCAC Role in EHCMA Roll Out of EPA Risk Management Plans. Summary Slides
  • August 24, 2020 -- Port Houston Expansion. Summary . Slides.
  • March 23, 2020 -- DPCAC 30th Anniversary. Summary.
  • February 24, 2020 -- Process Safety Management. PSM Slides. PSM Chemical Thresholds. Summary.
  • June 3, 2019 -- Plant Show and Tell and Program Planning. Summary.
  • March 5, 2019 -- Joint CAC Meeting: Consequences of Regulatory Changes on the Economy and the Environment. Summary. Speaker Slides: Honeycutt, Craft and Beskid
  • February 25, 2019 -- Health Impacts of Living in an Industrialized Area Like Deer Park. Kelsey-Seybold Slides. Texas Cancer Fast Stats
  • August 22, 2016 -- Industrial Hygiene:  Protecting Workers from Workplace Hazards. Slides.
  • October 26, 2015 -- Deepwells.  Summary. Slides.
  • June 2012 -- Water Planning in Our Region Summary. Slides.
  • November 2011 -- TCEQ Flaring Study Findings Summary. Slides.
  • August 2009 -- Indoor Air Quality Slides.
  • October 2007 -- Understanding the Links between Exposure, Dose, and Health Effects. Slides.
How We Select Meeting Topics

Every year or so, DPCAC develops a Program Plan to assure it is addressing issues of greatest interest to community members.  Community members, plant members, and guests brainstorm topics they believe DPCAC should address.  Using sticky dots, they choose those they most want to cover in the coming year.  By using different colors for community and plant members, the CAC can schedule the topics of most community interest. The Program Plan is flexible and may be changed by group agreement.

Contact Us if there are issues you would like DPCAC to address or if you would like details and an invitation to a DPCAC meeting.