DPCAC has an ongoing need to enhance the community awareness of the group in order to increase visibility and membership of DPCAC. This meeting will be a forum for community and industry partners to review what we are currently doing to meeting our mission and objectives, and brainstorm new ideas to reach new members and…

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Chairman Gary Scheibe of the Houston Ship Channel Security District (HSCSD) provided an overview of the HSCSD’s formation, its security mandates, and the evolving landscape of security regulations since 9/11. Drawing from his extensive background with the Houston Police Department, the Houston Mayor’s office, Shell Deer Park and now Pemex, Scheibe’s expertise uniquely positions him…

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In lieu of a regular meeting, the Deer Park Community Advisory Council gathered at the Shell Deer Park administration building, boarded a bus and took a driving tour of the unit where the May 5th fire occurred. After the tour, a brief overview of the site and an update on the rebuilding of the unit…

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