May 24, 2021: Benzene Emissions. Air Monitoring Trends for Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes
At its late May meeting, DPCAC continued its focus on the BTEX chemicals: Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes. Looking at benzene data from its Annual Report on Emissions from DPCAC Plants, members saw that their emissions from plants in the group come primarily from three facilities that either produce or store benzene. Houston Regional Monitoring (HRM), a voluntary, industry-funded air monitoring organization, has sampled the air for the BTEX chemicals since 1988. The annual average in recent years is less than one part per billion, a reduction of 89% since 1988. HRM’s 2020 Air Quality Trends includes data on BTEX and more. Harris County Pollution Control Services has expanded its air monitoring program by adding new fixed monitoring stations and increasing its capacity to monitor the air after emission events, like fires.