March 5, 2019 Joint CAC Meeting: Consequences of Regulatory Changes on the Economy and the Environment
Joint Meeting of the CACs, CAPs, and CIP in Houston Ship Channel Area
The Citizen’s Advisory Council to La Porte Industry (CAC) hosted a joint meeting of the area CACs/CIP and CAPs on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at the Houston Area Safety Council in Deer Park. Speakers with differing perspectives were invited to address the Consequences of Regulatory Changes on the Economy and the Environment. Their presentations are attached.
The speakers included
- Michael Honeycutt, Ph.D., Chief of Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Toxicology Division and Chair of US Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board
- Elena Craft, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund, Austin
- Craig Beskid, Executive Director, East Harris County Manufacturers Association
The 9 advisory panels to industry in east Harris County include the Bay Area Community Advisory Panel, the Baytown Community Advisory Panel, the Citizen’s Advisory Council to La Porte Industry, the Community Advisory Panel to Lyondell and Equistar, the Deer Park Community Advisory Council, the Galena Park-Jacinto City Community-Industry Partnership, the Houston Community Advisory Panel, , the Pasadena Citizens’ Advisory Council, and the Seashore Community Advisory Panel.
The meeting was the second in a series of three meetings on broad economic issues affecting all CAP communities in the greater Houston Ship Channel area, organized by Facilitators Diane Sheridan and Mary Jane Naquin and Fred Welch of the Economic Alliance Houston Port Region. The first meeting, hosted by the Houston Community Advisory Panel, featured Jesse Thompson of the Federal Reserve Bank, sharing economic facts and forecasts about the area. A third joint meeting is being planned for Fall 2019.