September 24, 2018: Annual Report on Emissions
The Deer Park Community Advisory Council (DPCAC) Annual Report on Air Emissions is a compilation of data from member plants that file an Emissions Inventory with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and/or a Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) with the US Environmental Protection Agency. Data from 2017, covering the 14 DPCAC plants, showed reductions in nitrogen oxides (NOx) and benzene. Though some plants saw emissions decline, overall there were increases in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), sulfur oxides, total suspended particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and 1,3-butadiene. Major reasons for the increases included longer operating hours; flaring before and after maintenance turnarounds and Hurricane Harvey; handling different products, and chemical production process upsets. Decreases came primarily from operating fewer hours during maintenance turnarounds. Overall, since 1987, reported Toxics Release Inventory releases to air have declined 83% while the number of DPCAC plants has grown from 9 to 14.
Comparisons to state and county data from other facilities filing the emissions inventory and TRI show that 4.1 million pounds of NOx emissions from DPCAC plants represent 14% of the county inventory in 2016 and less than 1% of NOx emissions statewide that year. DPCAC’s 4.3 million pounds of VOC emissions represent 14% of VOC emissions from major industrial facilities in Harris County and 2.4% of VOCs reported by major industry statewide. The two inventories cover only industrial facilities. Air emissions also come from on-road and off-road transportation, area sources like smaller businesses, and biogenic sources like trees.