March 26, 2018: Program Planning
There was no shortage of ideas for topics the Deer Park Community Advisory Council (DPCAC) could address during its forum with community members who live or work in Deer Park and managers of 14 Deer Park petrochemical facilities. Attendees at the last March meeting generated a list of 23 ideas, well more than can be scheduled during its 9 meetings a year. Using stickers to indicate those they most want to cover in the coming year, members and their guests narrowed down the options. A planning committee will draft a Program Plan for the coming 12 months, which the membership will review and adopt. The plan will guide what goes on the group’s agendas.
Top ranked by both both community and plant members was an update on roads and traffic on State Highways 225 and 146, including a briefing on the expansion of the Beltway 8 Bridge over the Houston Ship Channel. As an advisory council to local industry, DPCAC chooses topics related in some way to plants. Transportation clearly is one of the issues of importance to both residents and businesses in the area.